The Role of the Judiciary


Under the doctrine of the separation of powers, the judicial branch administers justice in the name of the State. The law is interpreted and applied by  courts, tribunals, judges, and lawyers. These actors comprise the judicial system as a whole.

By ensuring fair dispute resolution, upholding rights, and bringing culprits to justice, the judiciary contributes to citizen trust and social peace. To that end, it performs its function of administering justice in an independent, impartial, transparent, dependable, efficient, and timely manner. 

Further, the judiciary upholds the concept of quality services, which includes equality, non-discrimination, and the broadest possible access to justice.

The judiciary has an important role to play in the implementation of UPR recommendations as it:

  • Applies the law, the constitution and international human rights standards;
  • Calls for reform of laws and policies;
  • Facilitates access to justice.