The Role of States under review (SuR)
All UN Member States have participated in the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on a voluntary basis, since its creation through resolution 5/1 (A/HRC/RES/5/1) on 18 June 2007. For the proper functioning of the UPR mechanism, it is essential that all States actively participate at each stage of the UPR.
Prior to each UPR, States under review (SuR) are expected to produce a national report which forms the basis of the review at the Working Group. During the drafting phase, the SuR is encouraged to conduct broad national consultations with all relevant stakeholders, both governmental and civil society. These consultations help to make the mechanism more inclusive and transparent and to ensure that a wide range of views are taken into account.
During the review, the SuR presents its national human rights situation, including the achievements and challenges encountered in the implementation of recommendations received during the previous cycle. In addition, it participates in an interactive dialogue with other UN Member States and responds to questions and recommendations received.
Once the report of the review is approved by the HRC, the SuR is expected to implement the recommendations it accepted. In the event that a SuR fails to cooperate with the mechanism, the HRC may take measures to urge the Government to resume collaboration.