UN Agencies - Take Action
Key moments for UN Agencies to engage in the UPR
As described in the section "What is the UPR?", this mechanism is a full-circle process comprised of three key stages:
- Preparation for the Review
- Between the Review and Adoption
- Implementation of the Recommendations
It is a cyclical process because each review process is based on the implementation of previously received recommendations.
All the Stakeholders can get involved in each phase in a different way. The following section will show how UN Agencies can get involved at each stage.
1. Preparation for the Review
As facilitators to the dialogue
- Convene an UNCT internal dialogue on the human rights situation in the country to develop/update the UN Country Team’s human rights strategy in the country, including in the Common Country Analysis;
- Engage in discussions with the Government and other national stakeholders on the status of implementation of recommendations emanating from all UN human rights mechanisms, including the UPR.
- Strengthen broad national consultation processes on human rights challenges among State entities, National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs), Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), and regional bodies.
- Provide technical advice on actions to enhance the national human rights protection systems in the country (whether legal, institutional, or at policy levels) ahead/in preparation for the review. This may also include making UN data and information on the human rights situation in the country available to the Government, especially regarding groups that are being left behind for purposes of national reporting.
- Begin preparations for the joint UN Country Team report as a contribution to the UN compilation report for the review;
- Facilitate reporting by the Government, provide information about the guidelines for UPR written submissions (through training sessions/OHCHR-produced materials);
- Build the capacity of CSOs and NHRIs by informing them how to participate in the reporting process;
- Inform the Government about funding opportunities from the UPR Fund for their participation;
- Make sure that the media are informed well in advance of UPR sessions.
2. Between the Review and Adoption
Engage with the UPR Session in Geneva
- Encourage the Government, NHRIs, and CSOs to participate in/attend the UPR session in Geneva;
- Engage with Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva and the embassies in the State under Review. They may reach out to UN entities in the country and seek expert advice;
- Use the live webcast of the UPR session to convene local stakeholders and partners, such as civil society and the media;
- Before the Human Rights Council session, engage with all relevant sectors of Government to advocate for the acceptance of key recommendations; offer UN support for implementation efforts;
- Organise a UN Country Team discussion to identify opportunities for further engagement and possible adjustments to the UN Cooperation Framework in support of Government commitments made under the UPR.
3. Implementation of the Recommendations
Implementation and follow-up
- Facilitate dissemination and translation of UPR recommendations in local languages (with the support of traditional and social media, parliament, civil society, local authorities, and communities). Co-organise targeted information sessions and encourage inclusive mobilisation for follow-up purposes;
- Engage in discussions and advocacy with Recommending States, Government, parliament, civil society, academia, and donors to address the issues raised by UPR recommendations. Gather technical and financial support and exchange best practices;
- Support States in creating/strengthening institutional mechanisms (such as inter-ministerial committees) to coordinate efforts for the implementation of UPR recommendations. Encourage the Government to take UPR recommendations into account when preparing national development and SDG action plans;
- Support information sharing between relevant ministries and other stakeholders to ease reporting burdens and improve the quality of reports;
- Use UPR recommendations as advocacy tools for policy dialogue on specific sensitive topics.