47th UPR Working Group: Key Highlights
From the 4th of November to the 15th of November, the United Nations Human Rights Council hosted the 47th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group.
The 14 States under Review (SuR) during this session were Norway, Albania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Portugal, Bhutan, Dominica, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Brunei Darussalam, Costa Rica, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Qatar and Nicaragua.
The session saw a total of 3,637 recommendations put forth by recommending States. The most frequently, the recommendations concerned the protection of women’s and children’s rights, abolition of torture, gender based violence, ratification of international instruments and civil liberties.
On average, States received 266 recommendations. Among the States with the highest number of recommendations were Qatar (317) and Ethiopia (316).
See detailed information by country below.
Good Practices
The UPR process promotes open and honest dialogue among peers to monitor and improve human rights conditions around the world. As the UPR also serves as a platform for the exchange of good practices among states, UPR Info has highlighted three initiatives from States under Review, among others, that could inspire other UN Member States.
Côte d’Ivoire
The preparation of Côte d’Ivoire’s national report included an active participation of all stakeholders and followed an inclusive and continuous approach to ensure comprehensive information. The process also included several initiatives, such as the development of a national human rights action plan, submission of a midterm report, and renewal of the Interministerial Committee to Monitor the Implementation of International Human Rights Instruments. Consultations were also held with Parliament and the General Secretariat of the Government to foster dialogue. These efforts culminated in the participatory drafting of the preliminary national UPR report, which was ultimately adopted by the Government.
The establishment of the Inter-institutional Working Group by Order of the Prime Minister No. 112/2014 underscored Albania's commitment to a collaborative process for drafting and reviewing national reports under international human rights conventions. Coordinated by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEFA), the process involved contributions from a wide array of stakeholders, including state institutions, national human rights institutions (NHRIs), the judiciary, and local governments. Civil society organizations and independent experts also provided critical input, such as "Human Rights in Democracy" Center, the Gender Alliance Center for Development, and the "Streha" Center. This inclusive framework facilitated a well-rounded and representative report.
Democratic Republic of Congo
Following the third cycle of the UPR in May 2019, the DRC accepted 239 recommendations. The Ministry of Human Rights, in collaboration with the Interministerial Committee on Human Rights and supported by the United Nations Joint Human Rights Office (UNJHRO), held workshops to classify recommendations thematically and identify stakeholders for their implementation. These events were organized with the technical and financial support of UNJHRO and UPR Info, making use of an existing comprehensive plan of recommendations issued by other human rights protection mechanisms. Additionally, radio and television programs on national platforms like RTNC No. 2 and Radio Okapi engaged civil society and government representatives to enhance public understanding and participation in the UPR process.