
Combating child marriage through UN mechanisms

Since its inception, the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) has issued approximately 500 recommendations addressing child, early, and forced marriages and unions. 

This highlights the pressing need to tackle these critical issues. Recognizing the complementary nature of various human rights mechanisms, more and more NGOs are engaging with Treaty Bodies like the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC), as well as with the UPR, to enhance their advocacy efforts.


In response to the challenges that NGOs face when navigating these different international mechanisms, Girls Not Brides has developed a new toolkit designed to help civil society organizations (CSOs) more effectively utilize UN human rights frameworks to combat child marriage. “Leveraging United Nations human rights mechanisms to end child marriage“ is a comprehensive resource aimed at strengthening CSOs’ efforts to end child marriage and support girls who are—or have been—married or in unions.

Rather than simply providing legal texts and procedural guidelines, the toolkit acts as a practical guide. It offers concrete steps and effective strategies drawn from the experiences of Girls Not Brides member organizations worldwide.

The toolkit includes detailed guidance on engaging with various UN mechanisms. A significant focus is placed on the UPR, which has proven to be a vital tool in addressing child marriage. This section of the toolkit provides an in-depth look at the UPR’s principles and offers a step-by-step strategy for CSOs to effectively engage in the UPR process—from report submission to follow-up actions.

toolkit girlsnotbrides

“The report added value to the organisation’s work, as it was the opportunity to push the advocacy agenda we have been working on for a long time. Some of the key issues adopted [by Tanzania] include the reentry of the pregnant girls back to school” Children’s Dignity Forum, Girls Not Brides member in Tanzania.


In addition to these strategies, the toolkit includes valuable resources and practical tips to maximize the impact of CSOs’ participation in the UPR. While it is primarily designed for organizations focused on ending child marriage, the insights and strategies it offers are applicable to a broader range of advocacy efforts.

While primarily designed for CSOs focusing on child marriage, the toolkit provides valuable insights and strategies that can benefit a broader spectrum of organizations.