Pre-sessions 47 – programme and accreditation

The Pre-sessions 47 will take place from Tuesday 27th August to Friday, 29th August at the Palais des Nations in Room XXIV of Building E.
For the registration on Indico, which is the link to get the accreditation to have access to the Palais des Nations, you will first need to create an account (by following this link) and then apply for registration to the event. Registrations for the event are open until Thursday 22nd August, 17h00 Geneva time. After this date, we will not be able to grant you access to the Palais des Nations and your participation cannot be guaranteed.
Please note that due to the limited number of places, we cannot guarantee that all applications for accreditation will be accepted. Thank you for your understanding.
Find below the programme for each day. Click on the day of your choice to see the detailed programme. Please note that the Pre-session of Brunei Darussalam is cancelled.
Download here the PDF version.