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Document origin
Document origin Official OHCHR documents (42378) Civil Society Materials (1400)
Document type
Document type NGO submissions (13341) Compilation of UN information (4072) Summary of other stakeholders information (3905) National report (3713) Report of the Working group (final) (3337) Addendum (2435) Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption) (2221) Civil society and other submissions (1548) Annex NGO submissions (1535) Questions written in advance (1457) UN Agencies submissions (1364) Other submissions (1071) Pre-session Statement (977) Questions written in advance additional (548) Annex Other submissions (526) Report of the Working group (draft) (525) Responses to Recommendations (499) NHRI submissions (426) Annex National report (421) Report of the HRC session (396) Miscellaneous documents (379) Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption) (337) Corrigendum Report of the Working group (final) (279) Factsheets (244) External documents (198) Mid-term Implementation Assessment (167) Corrigendum Compilation (162) Annex UN Agencies submissions (152) State's Mid-term report (151) Corrigendum Summary (145) Corrigendum National report (142) Civil society and other mid-term reports (132) Adoption in the Plenary session (121) Annex NHRI submissions (116) Written statements by other stakeholders (adoption) (106) Corrigendum Addendum (105) UPR Info documents (52) Follow-up (50) Annex Addendum (42) Follow-up statement by other stakeholders (41) HRC session programmes (40) Pre-sessions (38) Follow-up statement by the State under Review (34) State's Mid-term report annex (31) Advocacy (31) UPR session timetables (29) Documents by CSOs (27) Troika members (27) UN participation (19) Documentation for States (18) Resolutions (15) ICP Programme (14) Monitoring and Implementation (13) Decisions & Modalities (11) Latest document (8) UPR Info's Publications and External Publications (6) Oral statement by other States (adoption) (4) UPR cycle calendar (4) HRC Review (3) Key document (3) Civil Society Statements at Item 6 (2) Webcast of the adoption (plenary) (1) Webcast of the adoption (WG) (1) Analyses (1) Handbooks - Toolkits (1) HRC annual programmes (1)
Language English Spanish French Arabic Russian Chinese Portuguese Thai Lao Khmer Myanmar Swedish Vietnamese German Danish Greenlandic Ukrainian
Publications External Publications (94) UPR Info Publications (49) Handbooks (38) Analysis (33) Studies (18) Studies (15) Manuales (15) Toolkits (8) Toolkits (4) Annual Reports (3)
Session 3th cycle (2017-2022) (13556) 2nd Cycle (2012-2016) (13532) 1st Cycle (2008-2011) (12684) 4th cycle (2022-2026) (5138) Session 27 - May 2017 (1740) Session 01 - April 2008 (1391) Session 28 - November 2017 (1320) Session 41 - November 2022 (1265) Session 13 - May 2012 (1222) Session 44 - November 2023 (1221) Session 12 - October 2011 (1185) Session 04 - February 2009 (1159) Session 31 - November 2018 (1145) Session 30 - May 2018 (1137) Session 32 - January 2019 (1136) Session 07 - February 2010 (1127) Session 09 - November 2010 (1107) Session 02 - May 2008 (1083) Session 22 - May 2015 (1059) Session 20 - October 2014 (1055) Session 14 - October 2012 (1045) Session 18 - January 2014 (1045) Session 23 - November 2015 (1025) Session 34 - November 2019 (1014) Session 11 - May 2011 (1012) Session 17 - October 2013 (1000) Session 10 - January 2011 (976) Session 16 - April 2013 (955) Session 21 - January 2015 (948) Session 03 - December 2008 (944) Session 25 - May 2016 (928) Session 29 - January 2018 (925) Session 06 - November 2009 (919) Session 08 - May 2010 (913) Session 42 - January 2023 (907) Session 33 - May 2019 (886) Session 19 - April 2014 (878) Session 24 - January 2016 (878) Session 05 - May 2009 (868) Session 37 - January 2021 (815) Session 35 - January 2020 (798) Session 26 - November 2016 (765) Session 39 - November 2021 (751) Session 15 - January 2013 (729) Session 43 - May 2023 (681) Session 40 - January 2022 (653) Session 36 - November 2020 (630) Session 38 - May 2021 (606) Session 45 - January 2024 (593) Session 48 - January 2025 (153) Session 46 - May 2024 (148) Session 47 - November 2024 (138) Session 49 - May 2025 (14) Session 50 - November 2025 (6) 5th cycle (2027-2031) (5) Session 51 - January 2026 (3) Session 52 - May 2026 (3) Session 53 - November 2026 (3) Session 54 - January 2026 (3) Session 55 - November 2027 (1) Session 56 - January 2028 (1) Session 57 - May 2028 (1) Session 58 - November 2028 (1) Session 59- January 2029 (1) Session 60- May 2029 (1)