What we do - Introduction

UPR Info promotes human rights and raises awareness about the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) through the implementation of four programmes:

Policy and Advocacy Programme (PAP) with its Pre-sessions

Stakeholders Engagement Programme (SEP)

In-country Programme (ICP)

Digital Innovation and Knowledge Management (DIKM) Programme
Our programmes aim at:

Amplifying the voice of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) by supporting their advocacy efforts to address human rights violations within their country, a UN Member State under UPR review.
Building the capacity of UPR stakeholders and raising awareness about the role of national actors to support each UN Member State’s obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights.
Providing technical assistance to our country-based partners to reinforce their ownership to drive change and foster sustainable development.
Developing educational resources, monitoring tools and sharing best practices to support the effective implementation of UPR recommendations.
Our approach
UPR Info follows a gender equality and human rights-based approach to achieve its mission. Through our programmes, we strive to bring a differentiated response to issues affecting women/girls, men/boys, vulnerable and marginalised groups.
In this regard we:
- Empower women rights defenders and vulnerable groups by giving them a voice to speak up about issues affecting them during our Pre-sessions and workshops;
- Support access to information for all key UPR stakeholders;
- Invite training participants to integrate in their analysis - both in the reporting phase and follow-up of UPR recommendations - how women/girls, men/boys as well as vulnerable/marginalised groups are affected differently by human rights issues;
- Raise awareness and share good practices in the area of women’s rights and the rights of vulnerable/marginalised groups.
UPR Info believes that long-standing results can only be achieved by fostering the participation of all rights-holders in decisions affecting their lives. To further ensure the respect for human rights, UPR Info is convinced that the empowerment of national and international stakeholders with strong capacities is necessary to align goals and efforts in order to achieve tangible change.
UPR Info believes in the mutually reinforcing potential of sustainable development and human rights. By collaborating with the UPR mechanism of the Human Rights Council (HRC), we offer the best platform to mainstream this integrated approach into national human rights dialogues, commitments, and plans.
UPR Info’s integrated approach takes into account the recommendations made by UN and regional human rights monitoring mechanisms to advance the realisation of human rights.
Our actions are guided by the principles of accountability, transparency, and non-discrimination. We work to expand our outreach by developing partnerships with trusted organisations.
Annual reports
To read more about our achievements go to the Annual Reports section