UPR Info Publications

Since 2008, UPR Info publishes studies and analysis on the UPR. 

As the aim of this website is to be the go-to place for all UPR related information, we also provide a space for external publications by other stakeholders (e.g.  academic researchers, UN agencies or other NGOs).

If you wish to publish your study or analysis on our website, please contact [email protected]

Guides & Studies by UPR Info


The UPR: Beyond Reporting


This study covers 17 case studies on good practices developed by States that were reviewed in the third cycle of the

UPR. To access the Repository of cases you can click here. 

Download:  EN   FR  ES

Cover Federal States

Good Practices from Federal States in the UPR process


This study showcases good practices from Federal States when engaging in the UPR process and the way their federated entities are involved.

Download:  EN   FR

Child Guide EN

The UPR & Me: My Guide to Participating in the UPR (2020-2021)

A child-friendly guide on the UPR and on how children can get involved in the UPR of their country.

Download:  EN   FR   ES   PT

UPR Mid Term Reporting

UPR Mid-term reporting: Optimising Sustainable Implementation, Good practices for UPR stakeholders (2018)

A guide on the mid-term reporting process and timeline, modalities as well as good practices. This guide can be used by all stakeholders.

Download:  EN   FR

The Civil Society Compendium: A comprehensive guide for Civil Society Organisations engaging in the UPR (2017)

A guide on how civil society organisations can engage at all stages of the UPR, from the submission of a UPR report to the implementation of the recommendations. It also contains many good practices.

Download:  EN   FR   ES   AR   RU

PS Guide EN

UPR Info Pre-sessions: Empowering human rights voices from the ground (2016)

This publication is an assessment of UPR Info’s Pre-sessions and a guide for Pre-sessions participants.

Download:  EN   FR   ES

The Butterfly Effect: Spreading Good Practices of UPR Implementation

The Butterfly Effect: Spreading Good Practices of UPR Implementation (2016)

This study offers an overview of how UPR stakeholders cooperated with the mechanism. It also provides a checklist for successful UPR engagement.

Download:  EN

Ensuring sustainable UPR Implementation (2016)

Ensuring sustainable UPR Implementation (2016)

A call to action for States to strengthen the third cycle of the Universal Periodic Review.

Download:  EN

Identifying best practices: An Analysis of National Reports (2015)

Identifying best practices: An Analysis of National Reports (2016)

This study showcases the good practices in drafting UPR national reports.

Download:  EN

A Guide for Recommending States at the UPR

A Guide for Recommending States at the UPR (2015)

This guide gives a comprehensive overview of the role of Recommending States at all stages of the UPR process.

Download:  EN   FR   ES   AR

Starting all over again?

Starting all over again? An analysis of the links between the 1st and 2nd UPR cycle (2015)

Download:  EN

On the road to implementation

On the Road to Implementation (2012)

Download:  EN