National actors discuss implementation in India

On 30-31 October 2018, national UPR stakeholders participated in a series of follow-up activities in New Delhi, India. The first day, graciously hosted by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), brought together government ministries; NHRC representatives and a wide range of CSO actors. Participants benefitted from updates on the progress made by the government to implement India’s 3rd cycle UPR outcomes as well as interventions from civil society outlining their activities and strategies adopted to support realisation of recommendations. UPR Info shared concrete country-examples of the different structures and tools employed to stimulate multi-stakeholder cooperation and inter-ministerial coordination in the reporting and follow-up of human rights recommendations. The event proved successful in bringing together national actors to exchange perspectives and update each other on progress made and next steps in the UPR process. The NHRC also expressed a keen interest in bolstering their collaboration with parliament as well as working towards a UPR mid-term report.
Drawing on the discussions held during the first day, the main focus of the second day was to provide space for civil society to continue developing their implementation matrix. In the morning UPR Info opened the workshop by discussing good practices invoked by CSOs to position themselves as legitimate implementation partners of UPR recommendations. The practical work of building on the civil-society suggested implementation plan and corresponding action strategy was facilitated in thematic break-out groups before each cluster reported back to plenary for feedback on their work. In the afternoon, UPR Info also seized the opportunity to engage participants in a dialogue on practices of UPR mid-term reporting.
The event was co-organised by the NHRC, the Working Group on Human Rights in India and the UN (WGHR), and UPR Info and built on previous activities undertaken by UPR Info and national partner organisations.
Access the full activitiy report here.