Side Event: Climate Change and the Universal Periodic Review
UPR Info will hold the side event to the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council on Climate Change and the Universal Periodic Review.
The event will take place from 16.00 to 17.00 (CEST) on Wednesday 3rd July.
In-person: Room XXV, Building E, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Indico)
The objectives of this event are to understand the role the Universal Periodic Review holds in the advancement of human rights in the climate change age. Thanks to its universality, the UPR can be an extremely effective mechanism for addressing all human rights and is therefore the best tool for raising the visibility and addressing the impact of climate change on human rights. The event will also be a platform to discuss how the UPR through the recommendations can contribute to the reinforcement of laws and institutions, as well as a catalyst for public policies that call for the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment.
Moderator: Ms. Mona M’Bikay, Executive Director of UPR Info
Ms. Elisa Morgera, Special Rapporteur on climate change
Ms. Nela Cernota, OHCHR
Mr. Christian Mounzeo, Rencontre pour la Paix et les Droits de l’Homme
Concluding remarks: Ms. Francesca Mingrone, Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
For more information, click here to access the concept note.