
The HRC calls for technical assistance to support national follow-up systems in UPR

In a resolution adopted by consensus during its 30th session, the Human Rights Council called the international community to cooperate more intensely in order to ensure an effective implementation of recommendations made during the Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The resolution, co-sponsored by 29 States, focuses on the establishment and strengthening of national follow-up systems and on an increase of voluntary contributions to trust funds supporting UN human rights mechanisms, such as the UPR.
Recalling the importance of the UPR, the text highlighted that the effectiveness of this human rights mechanism depends on the progress achieved by the State reviewed and the implementation of accepted recommendations. The resolution stresses that the participation of all types of actors, such as parliaments, national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and civil society, is essential to the UPR and calls for “cooperation and genuine dialogue in all relevant forums”. The text points out that the Human Rights Council established a voluntary fund to facilitate the participation of developing countries in the UPR and a voluntary fund for financial and technical assistance; the resolution invites States to progressively increase their voluntary contributions to these funds in order to provide States with the capacity “to establish or strengthen their respective human rights follow-up systems and processes”.
Technical Assistance and capacity-building from the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights should continue to be provided “upon request of and in accordance with the priorities set by the States concerned”. In order to share experiences and good practices in the establishment and reinforcement of national human rights follow-up systems, the resolution proposes an intersessional half-day panel discussion on this topic during the twenty-sixth session of the Working Group on the UPR, taking place in October 2016.
You can find the draft resolution here.