Tajikistan rejects a recommendation because it is dealing with individual cases

On 5 October, at the adoption of the UPR Working Group Report on Tajikistan, the delegation rejected a recommendation mentioning individual cases on the ground that they do not fall within the framework of the review.
During Tajikistan's UPR held on 3 October, the United States recommended the delegation to "take additional steps to improve freedom of expression, including dropping remaining charges against Mr. Usmonov, and to resolve without harm to them the cases of journalists, such as Makhmadyusuf Ismoilov". The delegation of Tajikistan rejected this recommendation claiming that "individual human rights violations are not subject of the universal periodic review process".
Recommendations mentioning individual cases have already been made in the past notably by Norway, Czech Republic, Spain and the United States on respectively Belarus, China, Uzbekistan and Viet Nam. The three latters rejected the recommendations but not for the reason given by Tajikistan which does not rely on any text of the Human Rights Council.