Timeline for UPR engagement in the current cycle
Review phasei
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)Follow up phasei
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reportsNational consultations and drafting phasei
1 year before the next Working Group Advocacy phasei
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months). UPR Working Group
Adoption outcome report
Stakeholders report deadline
National report deadline
Pre session
UPR Working Group
Official OHCHR documents
Compilation of UN information
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
Civil society and other submissions
UPR Cycles Infographic - Solomon Islands
NGO submissions
CGNK - Center for Global Nonkilling
ECPAT International
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission
JS3 - Joint Submission
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
OHR - Oceania Human Rights Hawaii
PGA - Parliamentarians for Global Action
PS Statement - Franciscans International
PWDSI - People with Disability Solomon Islands
SIPPA - Solomon Island Planned Parenthood Association
T-S-I - Transparency Solomon Islands
WFM/IGP - World Federalist Movement / Institute for Global Policy
Official OHCHR documents
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
NGO submissions
CS - Cultural Survival
FSC - Family Support Centre
FSC - Family Support Centre - Annex
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
ICAAD - International Center for Advocates Against Discrimination
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
KAHRF - Kaleidoscope Australia Human Rights Foundation
PWDSI - People with Disability Solomon Islands
PWDSI - People with Disability Solomon Islands - Annex
Annex NGO submissions
FSC - Family Support Centre - Annex
PWDSI - People with Disability Solomon Islands - Annex
UN Agencies submissions
UNCT Pacific Region - OHCHR Regional Pacific on behalf of UNCT Regional Pacific
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Review in the Working Group
Adoption in the Plenary session
Miscellaneous documents
matrice of Recommendations-SolomonIslands
Official OHCHR documents
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
NGO submissions
AI - Amnesty International
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
ICTJ - International Centre for Transitional Justice
JS 1 - Joint Submission
JS 2 - Joint Submission
JS 3 - Joint Submission
JS 4 - Joint Submission
SCSI - Save the Children Solomon Islands
STP - Society for Threatened People
UN Agencies submissions
Review in the Working Group
Adoption in the Plenary session
Report of the Working group (final)
Corrigendum Report of the Working group (final)
Report of the HRC session
A/HRC/18/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its eighteenth session
Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)
Statement by Solomon Islands
Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)
Amnesty International
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Franciscans International
Save the Children
Mid-term Implementation Assessment
UPR Info's Mid-term implementation Assessment