
Morocco launches UPR 3rd cycle preparation with UPR Info's support

UPR Info held a three-day workshop from 8 to 11 December with the inter-ministerial delegation for human rights of Morocco (DIDH) to prepare for the UPR third cycle. The aim of the workshop was to train members of the DIDH and other ministries (justice, education, interior, etc) on the UPR, including national consultations and drafting the national report, and to coach them on giving presentations on the process. Specific fact sheets were developed for the participants on five issues: UPR modalities, role of States under Review, drafting of national reports, role of CSOs and drafting of CSO submissions. The list of the recommendations received by Morocco in 2012 as well as a glossary of UPR terms were also distributed.

The workshop was the first UPR event held in Morocco in the framework of its third review and it launched the national process. Morocco is expected to be reviewed early 2017.

Países: Morocco