UPR Info’s Statement at Item 6 of the 48HRC session

On this occasion of the 48th Session of the Human Rights Council, UPR Info delivered a statement for the General Debate under item 6.
UPR Info announced the launch of the UPR Padua Model Handbook by the Padua University. The UPR Model is an educational programme that mirrors the UPR process and the interactive dialogue. It not only contributes to raise awareness on the Universal Periodic Review but also to build capacity of university students to be steward of a world where equality, human rights and non-discrimination are nurtured. A Handbook realized by the collective work of master’s students of the University of Padua, n collaboration with OHCHR UPR Branch and UPR Info, is now freely available on the website of the University of Padua, OHCHR and UPR Info.
The Padua UPR Model aligns with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the fourth phase of the World Programme for Human Rights Education focusing on youth.
UPR Info encourages States and other UPR stakeholders to promote the use of the UPR Padua Model as an additional way to increase the civil society active participation in the multi-level machinery of human rights promotion and protection.
Integrating it in university curriculum will foster inclusive and peaceful society embracing a human rights culture which values democratic principles.
The full statement is available here.