
Germany raises a point of order about the list of speakers

At the beginning of the Human Rights Council (HRC) session this morning, Germany raised a point of order concerning the enrolment on the list of speakers for both States and NGOs.

The German delegate criticised how the registration was handled and especially the fact that some NGOs entered the Palais des Nations yesterday morning before 8 am. He declared that the list of speakers for States and NGOs could be manipulated and called on the HRC President to act in a matter of urgency.

In response, the Secretariat of the HRC clarified that it was not possible to pre register. The Secretariat only takes names of the NGOs that arrive before the opening of the list of speakers and asks them to come back at the time of the opening.

The Secretariat added that what happened yesterday was out of their hands. However, solutions were being found to also give the floor to NGOs that came rightfully at 8 o'clock.

Países: Germany