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Next review: 2025

Timeline for UPR engagement in the current cycle

Review phasei
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)
Follow up phasei
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reports
National consultations and drafting phasei
1 year before the next Working Group
Advocacy phasei
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months).
UPR Working Group
Adoption outcome report
Stakeholders report deadline
National report deadline
Pre session
UPR Working Group

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report

National Report - Mongolia

Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information- Mongolia

Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders Information- Mongolia

Civil society and other submissions

Civil society and other submissions

Mongolian Family Welfare Association- Pre-session Presentation
Mongolian Family Welfare Association-36th session Statement
Mongolian Women's Employment Support Federation_36th Pre-session Statement
SOS children's Villages-36th Pre-session Statement

NGO submissions

ADF International
Amnesty International Mongolia
CGNK - Center for Global Nonkilling
CIAM Panamá - Centro de Incidencia Ambiental de Panamá
CS - Cultural Survival
Dulguun Foundation
ECPAT International - ECPAT International
European Center for Law and Justice
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Global International Center- Mongolia
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
ICAN- International Campaign to abolish Nuclear Weapons
IHRC-OU. - International Human Rights Clinic - University of Oklahoma College of Law
IPANDETEC - Instituto Panameño de Derecho y Nuevas Tecnologías (IPANDETEC)
Joint Submission 1
Joint Submission 2
Joint Submission 2
Joint Submission 3
Joint Submission 3
Joint Submission 4
Joint Submission 5
Joint Submission 6
Joint Submission 7
Joint Submission 8
LGBTCM- LGBT Center - Mongolia
Mongolian Family Welfare Association
Mongolian Human Rights NGO Forum
National Center Against Violence Mongolia
NGO Mongolian Gender Equality Center
Rivers Without Boundaries- Mongolia
SAMAAP - Sociedad de Amigos del Museo Afroantillano de Panamá (SAMAAP)
YPW - Бодлогод залуусын хяналт

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)





Miscellaneous documents

Letter from OHCHR on Implementation in 3rd Cycle

Civil Society Materials

Documentation for CSOs


UPR Advocacy Fact sheets Mongolia
UPR Advocacy Factsheets Mongolia


Civil society and other mid-term reports

Human Rights Forum

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information


Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Civil society and other submissions

NHRI submissions

NHRCM - National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

NGO submissions

AI - Amnesty International
GIC - Globe International Center
GIC - Globe International Center - Annex
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HR NGO Forum - Human Rights NGO Forum of Mongolia
HR NGO Forum - Human Rights NGO Forum of Mongolia - Annex
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS1 - Joint Submission 1 - Annex
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS2 - Joint Submission 2 - Annex
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS3 - Joint Submission 3 - Annex
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS4 - Joint Submission 4 - Annex
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS6 - Joint Submission 6 - Annex
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS7 - Joint Submission 7 - Annex
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
JS9 - Joint Submission 9
JS9 - Joint Submission 9 - Annex
LGBTCM - LGBT Centre (Mongolia)
MASM - Mongolian Artisanal Miners’ United Umbrella Association
MASM - Mongolian Artisanal Miners’ United Umbrella Association - Annex
WADJM - Women's Association for Democracy and Justice in Mongolia
WADJM - Women's Association for Democracy and Justice in Mongolia - Annex

Annex NGO submissions

GIC - Globe International Center - Annex
HR NGO Forum - Human Rights NGO Forum of Mongolia - Annex
JS1 - Joint Submission 1 - Annex
JS3 - Joint Submission 3 - Annex
JS4 - Joint Submission 4 - Annex
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6 - Annex
JS7 - Joint Submission 7 - Annex
JS9 - Joint Submission 9 - Annex
MASM - Mongolian Artisanal Miners’ United Umbrella Association - Annex
WADJM - Women's Association for Democracy and Justice in Mongolia - Annex

UN Agencies submissions

UNCT Mongolia - UN Country Team in Mongolia
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Other submissions

OSCE-ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

Review in the Working Group

Report of the Working group (draft)


Questions written in advance

Advance written questions

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)




Report of the HRC session

SHE CSO- 36th session Statement

Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)

Statement by Mongolia

Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)

Amnesty International
COC Netherlands
National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia


Miscellaneous documents

MNGOF factsheets for Advocacy before the UPR (2015)

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information


Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Civil society and other submissions

NHRI submissions

NHRCM - National Human Rights Commission of Mongolia

NGO submissions

AI - Amnesty International
AI - Amnesty International - Annex 1
CCA - Center for Citizens Alliance
CCA - Center for Citizens Alliance - Annex 1
CCA - Center for Citizens Alliance - Annex 2
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
JS01 - Joint submission
JS02 - Joint submission
JS03 - Joint submission
JS04 - Joint submission
JS05 - Joint submission
JS06 - Joint Submission
JS07 - Joint Submission
JS08 - Joint submission
JS09 - Joint Submission
JS10 - Joint Submission

Annex NGO submissions

AI - Amnesty International - Annex 1
CCA - Center for Citizens Alliance - Annex 1
CCA - Center for Citizens Alliance - Annex 2

UN Agencies submissions

UNHCR - Annex 1
UNHCR - Annex 2

Annex UN Agencies submissions

UNHCR - Annex 1
UNHCR - Annex 2

Review in the Working Group

Report of the Working group (draft)


Questions written in advance

Advance written questions
Written reply by Mongolia 1
Written reply by Mongolia 2

Questions written in advance additional

Advance written questions
Written reply by Mongolia 1
Written reply by Mongolia 2

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)


Report of the HRC session

A/HRC/16/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its sixteenth session

Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)

Statement by Mongolia

Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)

Amnesty International
COC Nederland
Forum Asia
National Human Rights Comission of Mongolia


State's Mid-term report

Mongolia's National Mid-term Report (2014)

Mid-term Implementation Assessment

UPR Info's Mid-term implementation Assessment