Country Flag


Prochain examen: 2027

Calendrier de l'engagement de l'EPU dans le cycle actuel

Phase de l'exameni
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)
Phase de suivii
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reports
Consultations nationales et phase de rédactioni
1 year before the next Working Group
Phase de plaidoyeri
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months).
Groupe de travail sur l'EPU
Adoption du Rapport Final
Date limite pour le rapport des parties prenantes
Date limite pour le Rapport National
Groupe de travail sur l'EPU

Documents Officiels du HCDH

Rapport national

Rapport national


Compilation des informations de l’ONU

Compilation des informations de l’ONU


Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes

Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes


Rapports société civile et autres

Rapports société civile et autres

PS 40 Stmt Franciscans International
PS 40 Stmt Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
PS 40 Stmt Lutheran World Federation
PS 40 Stmt Minority Rights Group International (MRG)
PS 40 Stmt She Leads Programme (Terre des Hommes Netherlands, Plan International, Femnet, Ecpat, Defence for Children International)
PS 40 Stmt Uganda Food Rights Alliance
PS 40 Stmt Uganda Right Livelihood Foundation

INDH soumissions

UHRC - Uganda Human Rights Commission

Rapports ONG

@UCRNN - Uganda Child Rights NGO Network. UCRNN
ACCU - Anti Corruption Coalition Uganda
ADF International
AHR - Advocates for Human Rights
AI - Amnesty International
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice, The
Elizka - Elizka Relief Foundation
End Violence - Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
FIAN Uganda
H.R.F - Human Rights Foundation
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
ISER UGANDA - Initiative for Social and Economic Rights
JAI - Just Atonement Inc.
JS11 - Joint Submission 11
JS13 - Joint Submission 13
JS15 - Joint Submission 15
JS16 - Joint Submission 16
JS18 - Joint Submission 18
JS19 - Joint Submission 19
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS20 - Joint Submission 20
JS22 - Joint Submission 22
JS23 - Joint Submission 23
JS24 - Joint Submission 24
JS25 - Joint Submission 25
JS26 - Joint Submission 26
JS27 - Joint Submission 27
JS28 - Joint Submission 28
JS29 - Joint Submission 29
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS31- Joint Submission 31
JS32 - Joint Submission 32
JS33 - Joint Submission 33
JS34 - Joint Submission 34
JS35 - Joint Submission 35
JS36 - Joint Submission 36
JS38 - Joint Submission 38
JS39 - Joint Submission 39
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS40 - Joint Submission 40
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
JS9 - Joint Submission 9
L4L - Lawyers for Lawyers
LASPNET - Legal Aid Service Providers Network
MAAT - Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights
SOS CV Uganda - SOS Children's Villages Uganda
UWONET-WOMEN CLUSTER - Uganda Women's Network (UWONET)

Rapports Agences ONU

UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Documents Officiels du HCDH

Rapport national

Rapport national


Compilation des informations de l’ONU

Compilation des informations de l’ONU


Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes

Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes


Corrigendum Résumé

JS31 - Joint Statement 31
JS32 - Joint Statement 32
JS33 - Joint Statement 33

Rapports société civile et autres

INDH soumissions

UHRC - Uganda Human Rights Commission

Rapports ONG

ADF International
CCFU - The Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda
CS - Cultural Survival
DSW - Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice, The
EGPAF - Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
FIAN - FIAN International
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICJ - International Commission of Jurists
ISER - Initiative for Social Economic Rights
JS01 - Joint Statement 01
JS02 - Joint Statement 02
JS03 - Joint Statement 03
JS04 - Joint Statement 04
JS05 - Joint Statement 05
JS06 - Joint Statement 06
JS07 - Joint Statement 07
JS08 - Joint Statement 08
JS09 - Joint Statement 09
JS10 - Joint Statement 10
JS11 - Joint Statement 11
JS12 - Joint Statement 12
JS13 - Joint Statement 13
JS14 - Joint Statement 14
JS15 - Joint Statement 15
JS16 - Joint Statement 16
JS17 - Joint Statement 17
JS18 - Joint Statement 18
JS19 - Joint Statement 19
JS20 - Joint Statement 20
JS21 - Joint Statement 21
JS22 - Joint Statement 22
JS23 - Joint Statement 23
JS24 - Joint Statement 24
JS25 - Joint Statement 25
JS26 - Joint Statement 26
JS27 - Joint Statement 27
JS28 - Joint Statement 28
JS29 - Joint Statement 29
JS30 - Joint Statement 30
JS31 - Joint Statement 31
JS32 - Joint Statement 32
JS33 - Joint Statement 33
RHU - Reproductive Health Uganda
UCRNN - Uganda Child Rights NGO Network
UTSS - Under The Same Sun

Rapports Agences ONU

UNCT Uganda - United Nations Country Team in Uganda- UNCT Uganda
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Examen en Groupe de travail

Rapport du Groupe de travail (projet)


Questions écrites en avance

Advance written questions

Questions écrites en avance additionelles

Advance written questions

Adoption en Session plénière

Rapport du Groupe de travail (définitif)




Rapport de la session CDH

A/HRC/34/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its thirty-fourth session

Déclaration orale autres parties prenantes (adoption)

Action Canada for Population and Development
Human Rights Watch
Lutheran World Federation
Rencontre Africaine pour la défense des droits de l'homme


Documents divers

CIVICUS: Addressing Civic Space Restrictions in Uganda - What Role for the UPR?
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Business and Human Rights
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Education
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Food
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Health
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Housing
ISER, Advocacy Fact sheet - Poverty

Matériels de la société civile

Documentation pour les ONG

Fiches d'information

UPR Advocacy Factsheets Uganda

Documents Officiels du HCDH

Rapport national

Rapport national


Compilation des informations de l’ONU

Compilation des informations de l’ONU


Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes

Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes


Rapports société civile et autres

INDH soumissions

UHRC - Uganda Human Rights Commission

Rapports ONG

FI - Franciscans International
GIEACPC - Global Initiative End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRNJ - Uganda - Human Rights Network Journalists
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICTJ - International Centre Transitional Justice
IHRB - Institute Human Rights Business
IHRC - International Human Rights Clinic
IHRC - International Human Rights Clinic - Annex
IPACC - Indigenous Peoples Africa Coordinating Committee
Joint Submission 01
Joint Submission 02
Joint Submission 03
Joint Submission 03 - Annex
Joint Submission 04
Joint Submission 05
Joint Submission 06
Joint Submission 07
Joint Submission 08
Joint Submission 09
Joint Submission 10
Joint Submission 11
Joint Submission 11 - Annex
PARDI - Participatory Action Rural Development
RLP - Refugee Law Project
UCRNN -Uganda- Child Rights NGO Network
WV - World Vision

Annexe ONG soumissions

IHRC - International Human Rights Clinic - Annex
Joint Submission 03 - Annex
Joint Submission 11 - Annex

Rapports Agences ONU

UNCT - Annex

Annexe Agences ONU

UNCT - Annex

Examen en Groupe de travail

Rapport du Groupe de travail (projet)


Questions écrites en avance

Advance written questions

Questions écrites en avance additionelles

Advance written questions

Adoption en Session plénière

Rapport du Groupe de travail (définitif)




Rapport de la session CDH

A/HRC/19/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its nineteenth session

Déclaration orale par l'Etat examiné (adoption)

Statement by Uganda

Déclaration orale autres parties prenantes (adoption)

Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Human Rights Watch
International Commission of Jurists
Joint Statement: World Vision International
Save the Children
UN Watch


Rapport à mi-parcours de mise en oeuvre

UPR Info's Mid-term Implementation Assessment

Documents divers

CIVICUS: Addressing Civic Space Restrictions in Uganda - What Role for the UPR?

Matériels de la société civile

Documentation pour les ONG


Lobby guide by Ugandan stakeholders