Timeline for UPR engagement in the current cycle
Review phasei
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)Follow up phasei
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reportsNational consultations and drafting phasei
1 year before the next Working Group Advocacy phasei
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months). UPR Working Group
Adoption outcome report
Stakeholders report deadline
National report deadline
Pre session
UPR Working Group
Civil Society Materials
Pre-session Statement
Pre-session Statement
Asociacion Por Los Derechos Civiles Presentation Pre-session 42 Argentina
Asociacion Por Los Derechos Civiles Statement Pre-session 42 Argentina
Catolicas por el Derrecho a Decidir Argentina Presentation Pre-session 42 Argentina
Catolicas por el Derrecho a Decidir Argentina Statement Pre-session 42 Argentina
Centro de Estudos Legales y Sociales Statement Pre-session 42 Argentina
GMAF Presentation Pre-session 42 Argentina
GMAF Statement Pre-session 42 Argentina
Official OHCHR documents
Compilation of UN information
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
Civil society and other submissions
ADF International - ADF International
AI - Amnesty International
CELS - Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales (CELS) Asociación Civil
Crisálida - Crisálida biblioteca popular de género y diversidad afectivosexual
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice
Equipo ELA - Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Género (ELA)
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
ICCSI - Iniciativa Ciudadana para el Control del Sistema de Inteligencia
IHRC-OU. - International Human Rights Clinic - University of Oklahoma College of Law
JAI - Just Atonement Inc.
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS10 - Joint Submission 10
JS11 - Joint Submission 11
JS12 - Joint Submission 12
JS13 - Joint Submission 13
JS14 - Joint Submission 14
JS15 - Joint Submission 15
JS16 - Joint Submission 16
JS17 - Joint Submission 17
JS18 - Joint Submission 18
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS20 - Joint Submission 20
JS21 - Joint Submission 21
JS22 - Joint Submission 22
JS23 - Joint Submission 23
JS24 - Joint Submission 24
JS25 - Joint Submission 25
JS26 - Joint Submission 26
JS27 - Joint Submission 27
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
NGO Coalition - Asociación por los Derechos Civiles
NHRI submissions
Official OHCHR documents
Compilation of UN information
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
NHRI submissions
NGO submissions
ADF International - Alliance Defending Freedom International
AI - Amnesty International
APDH - Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos
CeProFa - Fundación Centro de Protección Familiar
CS - Cultural Survival
DPBA - Defensor del Pueblo de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
GDP - Global Detention Project
HRW - Human Rights Watch
JS10 - Joint Submission 10
JS11 - Joint Submission 11
JS11 - Joint Submission 11
JS12 - Joint Submission 12
JS14 - Joint Submission 14
JS18 - Joint Submission 18
JS20 - Joint Submission 20
JS21 - Joint Submission 21
JS22 - Joint Submission 22
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
JS8 - Joint Submission 8
JS9 - Joint Submission 9
Mesa Intersectorial - Mesa Intersectorial para la prevención y Erradicación de la Violencia de Género y la Protección integral de niños, niñas y adolescentes de Capilla del Monte
REDTRASEX - Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Latinoamerica y el Caribe
SID - SID Sociedad Intercontinental de Derechos Humanos
UN Agencies submissions
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Review in the Working Group
Adoption in the Plenary session
Report of the Working group (final)
Annex Addendum
Report of the HRC session
Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)
Action Canada for Population and Development
American Association of Jurists
Amnesty International
Auspice Stella
Edmund Rice International Limited
Human Rights Watch
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco
Official OHCHR documents
National report
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
NHRI submissions
DPN - Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación
NGO submissions
AI - Amnesty International
APP - Asociación Pensamiento Penal
CACBA - Colegio Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires
CADE - Campana Argentina por Derecho de la Educacion
CAEL - Coalición Argentina por un Estado Laico
CASACIDN - Comite Argentino de Seguimiento y Aplicacion de la Convencion Internacional de losDerechos del Nino
CDIA - Colectivo Derechos de Infancia Adolescencia
CELS - Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
DPCBA - Defensoria del Pueblo de Buenos Aires
ELA - Equipo Latino Americano de Justicia y Genero
FAICA - Federación Argentina de Instituciones de Ciegos y Ambliopes
FALGBT - Federación Argentina de Lesbianas Gays Bisexuales y Trans
FEIM - Fundación para Estudio e Investigación de la Mujer
FLED - Fundación LED Libertad de Expresión + Democracia
FOCO-INPADE - Foro Ciudadano de Participación por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos
FSSA - Foro Social de Saludy Ambiente
FUSA - Fundacion para la Salud Adolescente
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
IARPIDI - Instituto Argentino para la igualdad Diversidad e Integración
IHRC - University of Oklahoma College of Law International Human Rights Clinic
JS 01 - Joint Submission
JS 02 - Joint Submission
JS 03 - Joint Submission
JS 04 - Joint Submission
JS 05 - Joint Submission
JS 06 - Joint Submission
JS 07 - Joint Submission
JS 08 - Joint Submission
JS 09 - Joint Submission
JS 10 - Joint Submission
MAC - Movimiento Afro Cultural
MDT - Multisectorial por la Diversidaden Tucman
UNPO - Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
UN Agencies submissions
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Annex 1
UNCT - United Nations Country Team
UNCT - United Nations Country Team - Annex 1
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Annex UN Agencies submissions
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Annex 1
UNCT - United Nations Country Team - Annex 1
Other submissions
IACHR - Inter American Commission on Human Rights
Review in the Working Group
Adoption in the Plenary session
Report of the Working group (final)
Report of the HRC session
A/HRC/22/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-second session
Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)
Statement by Argentina
Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)
Action Canada for Population and Delevopment
Amnesty International
Association for the Prevention of Torture
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
Franciscans International
Save the Children
Written statements by other stakeholders (adoption)
Official OHCHR documents
Summary of other stakeholders information
Civil society and other submissions
NHRI submissions
Defensoria del Pueblo de la Nación Argentina
NGO submissions
Action Canada for Population Development
Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos
B’nai B’rith International
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions
Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales
Colectivo de Derechos de Infancia y Adolescencia
Comité de América Latina y el Caribe para la defensa de los derechos de las mujeres
Comité para la Defensa de la Salud, la Ética y los Derechos Humanos
Comunidad Homosexual Argentina
Equipo Latinoamericano de Justicia y Genero
Federacion Internacional de los Derechos Humanos
Foundation for Studies and Research on Women
Fundación Sur Argentina
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina - Annex
Human Rights Watch
Lutheran World Federation
Mental Disability Rights International
Mental Disability Rights International - Annex
Reporteros Sin Fronteras
Society for Threatened Peoples
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization
Annex NGO submissions
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina - Annex
Mental Disability Rights International - Annex
UN Agencies submissions
UN Headquarters Department of Political Affairs
UNHCR - The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Add. 1
Annex UN Agencies submissions
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Add. 1
Review in the Working Group
Adoption in the Plenary session
Report of the Working group (final)
Corrigendum Report of the Working group (final)
Corrigendum Addendum
Report of the HRC session
A/HRC/8/52: Report of the Human Rights Council on its eight session
Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)
Statement by Argentina
Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)
Action Canada for Population and Development
Asamblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos (APDH)
Centre for Women’s Global Leadership
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)
Comisión Jurídica para el Autodesarollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos (CAPAJ)
Joint statement: CLADEM, ACPD, FEIM, Federation for Women and Family Planning, International Women’s Rights Action Watch (IWRAW) - Asia Pacific
State's Mid-term report
Argentina's National Mid-term Report (2010)