Calendrier de l'engagement de l'EPU dans le cycle actuel
Phase de l'exameni
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)Phase de suivii
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reportsConsultations nationales et phase de rédactioni
1 year before the next Working Group Phase de plaidoyeri
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months). Groupe de travail sur l'EPU
Adoption du Rapport Final
Date limite pour le rapport des parties prenantes
Date limite pour le Rapport National
Groupe de travail sur l'EPU
Documents Officiels du HCDH
Rapport national
Compilation des informations de l’ONU
Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes
Rapports société civile et autres
Rapports société civile et autres
A11 - A 11 - Inicijativa za ekonomska i socijalna prava
ASTRA Serbia - Astra - Anti trafficking action
Broken Chalk - The Stichting Broken Chalk
CLW - China Labor Watch
CoE - Council of Europe
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice
End Violence - Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children
FIAN - FIAN International
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
ICO - International Communities Organisation
IFOR - International Fellowship of Reconciliation
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
OSCE-ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
PoCRS - Zaštitnik građana
SOS CV's Serbia - SOS Children's Villages Serbia
Rapports Agences ONU
UN Serbia - UN resident coordinator Serbia
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Matériels de la société civile
Interventions lors de la pré-session
Interventions lors de la pré-session
A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights Presentation Pre-session 43 Serbia
A 11 – Initiative for Economic and Social Rights Statement Pre-session 43 Serbia
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights presentation Pre-session 43 Serbia
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights statement Pre-session 43 Serbia
Lawyer’s Committee for Human Rights Statement Pre-session 43 Serbia
Save the Children Presentation Pre-session 43 Serbia
Save the Children Statement Pre-session 43 Serbia
UPR Youth Coalition Presentation pre-session 43 Serbia
UPR Youth Coalition statement pre-session 43 Serbia
XY SPECTRUM Presentation Pre-session 43 Serbia
XY SPECTRUM Statement Pre-session 43 Serbia
Documentation pour les ONG
Fiches d'information
Availability of Universal Human Rights Protection Mechanisms to Individuals and Groups of Individuals
Freedom of expression and freedom of the media: Safety of journalists
Freedom of expression and freedom of the media: Strategic litigation against public participation (SLAPPs) as a form of pressure on the media
UPR Youth Coalition
Documents Officiels du HCDH
Rapport national
Compilation des informations de l’ONU
Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes
Rapports société civile et autres
INDH soumissions
Annexe INDH soumissions
PoC - Protector of Citizens of the Republic of Serbia
Rapports ONG
AI - Amnesty International
BCFHR - Belgrade Center for Human Rights
CIL Serbia - Center for Independent Living Serbia
ECPAT International - ECPAT International
ERRC - European Roma Rights Centre
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
KROS - Coalition of Serbian Roma Youth
XY Spectrum - XY Спектрум
Rapports Agences ONU
UNCT Serbia - United Nations Country Team Serbia
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Autres soumissions
CoE - Council of Europe
OSCE-ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Examen en Groupe de travail
Adoption en Session plénière
Rapport du Groupe de travail (définitif)
Rapport de la session CDH
Déclaration orale autres parties prenantes (adoption)
Amnesty International
Civicus- World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Human Rights House Foundation
Human Rights Watch
International Commission of Jurists
Documents Officiels du HCDH
Compilation des informations de l’ONU
Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes
Rapports société civile et autres
Rapports ONG
AI - Amnesty International
ASTRA - ASTRA Anti Trafficking Action
AWC - Autonomous Women’s Center
EAJCW - European Association Jehovahs Christian Witnesses
ECPAT - End Child Prostitution Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for sexual purposes
GIEACPC - The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HCHRS - Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
JS3 - Joint Submission 3
JS4 - Joint Submission 4
JS5 - Joint Submission 5
JS6 - Joint Submission 6
JS7 - Joint Submission 7
STP - Society for Threatened Peoples
Rapports Agences ONU
Autres soumissions
CoE - Council of Europe
Examen en Groupe de travail
Adoption en Session plénière
Rapport du Groupe de travail (définitif)
Rapport de la session CDH
A/HRC/23/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-third session
Déclaration orale par l'Etat examiné (adoption)
Statement by Serbia
Déclaration orale autres parties prenantes (adoption)
Amnesty International
COC Nederlands
Save the Children
Matériels de la société civile
Rapport intermédiaire de la société civile et autres
A follow up report on Serbia's UPR second cycle
Documents Officiels du HCDH
Compilation des informations de l’ONU
Résumé des informations des autres parties prenantes
Rapports société civile et autres
Rapports ONG
Association of Returnees Reintegration
ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action
ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action - Annex
Belgrade Centre for Human Rights
Bibija Roma Women Center
Centre for Human Rights - Nibs
Centre for Human Rights - Nibs - Annex
Conscience and Peace Tax International
European Association of Jehova’s Witnesses
European Union Monitoring and Advocacy Program
Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia
Human Rights Watch
Humanitarian Law Center (Individual Submission)
Institute on Religion and Public Policy
International Center for Transitional Justice
International Commission of Jurists
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights & Women in Black (Joint Submission)
Mental Disability Rights International
Annexe ONG soumissions
ASTRA Anti-Trafficking Action - Annex
Centre for Human Rights - Nibs - Annex
Autres soumissions
CoE - Council of Europe
National Organization of Person with Disabilities of Serbia
Annexe Autres soumissions
Examen en Groupe de travail
Adoption en Session plénière
Rapport du Groupe de travail (définitif)
Rapport de la session CDH
A/HRC/10/29: Report of the Human Rights Council on its tenth session
Déclaration orale par l'Etat examiné (adoption)
Statement by Serbia
Déclaration orale autres parties prenantes (adoption)
Amnesty International
COC Netherlands
Interfaith International
Rapport à mi-parcours de mise en oeuvre
UPR Info's Mid-term implementation Assessment