Country Flag


Next review: 2027

Timeline for UPR engagement in the current cycle

Review phasei
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)
Follow up phasei
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reports
National consultations and drafting phasei
1 year before the next Working Group
Advocacy phasei
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months).
UPR Working Group
Adoption outcome report
Stakeholders report deadline
National report deadline
Pre session
UPR Working Group

Civil Society Materials

Pre-session Statement

Pre-session Statement

ABRAJI Presentation Pre-session 41 Brazil
ABRAJI Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil
Conselho Indigenista Missionário Presentation Pre-session 41 Brazil
Conselho Indigenista Missionário Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil
IDDH Presentation Pre-session 41 Brazil
IDDH Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil
Instituto Igarapé Presentation Pre-session 41 Brazil
Instituto Igarapé Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil
Instituto Marielle Franco Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil
Inter-Franciscan Service For Justice Peace And Ecology Presentation Pre-session 41 Brazil
Inter-Franciscan Service For Justice Peace And Ecology Statement Pre-session 41 Brazil

Documentation for CSOs


Atinuke Factsheet Pre-session 41 Brazil
Factsheet Pre-session 41 Brazil
IDDH Factsheet Pre-session 41 Brazil

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information

A/HRC/WG.6/41/BRA/2 - Annex

Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Civil society and other submissions

NGO submissions

AI - Amnesty International
AnglicanCC - Anglican Consultative Council
APGXXIII - Association "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII"
Broken Chalk - The Stichting Broken Chalk
CBDDDH - Comitê Brasileiro de Defensoras e Defensores de Direitos Humanos
CFam - Center for Family and Human Rights
Christian Aid
Conexão G - Grupo Conexão G de Cidadania LGBT de Favela
CPJ. - Committee to Protect Journalists
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice
HRW - Human Rights Watch
IACHR - Inter-American Court of Human Rights
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
IDDH - Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos
IMF - Instituto Marielle Franco
Joint Submission
RJFB - Renata Juliana Faé Barp
SAR - Scholars at Risk Network
STP CH - Society for Threatened Peoples Switzerland

UN Agencies submissions

UNCT Brazil
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Annex UN Agencies submissions

UNCT Brazil

Adoption in the Plenary session

Corrigendum Report of the Working group (final)



Miscellaneous documents

Letter from OHCHR on Implementation in 4th Cycle

Civil Society Materials


Civil society and other mid-term reports

Instituto de Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos - IDDH

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Annex National report

A/HRC/WG.6/27/BRA/1 - Annex

Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information

A/HRC/WG.6/27/BRA/2 - Annex

Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Civil society and other submissions

NGO submissions

Society for Threatened Peoples
Access Now
ADF International
AI - Amnesty International
AIDA - Interamerican Association for Environmental Defense
APGXXIII - Association "Comunità Papa Giovanni XXIII
Articulaçao Nacional de Quilombos
Associação Juízes para a Democracia
C R R - Center for Reproductive Rights
Conectas Justice Program - Conectas Human Rights
Cultural Survival
Davida: Prostituicao, Direitos Civis e Saude
Dominicans for Justice and Peace
FMSI - Marist International Solidarity Foundation
Four Freedoms Forum
Human Rights Watch (HRW)
Hutukara Associação Yanomami
JS01 - Joint Submission 01
JS02 - Joint Submission 02
JS026 - Joint Submission 26
JS03 - Joint Submission 03
JS04 - Joint Submission 04
JS05 - Joint Submission 05
JS06 - Joint Submission 06
JS07 - Joint Submission 07
JS08 - Joint Submission 08
JS09 - Joint Submission 09
JS10 - Joint Submission 10
JS11 - Joint Submission 11
JS12 - Joint Submission 12
JS13 - Joint Submission 13
JS14 - Joint Submission 14
JS15 - Joint Submission 15
JS16 - Joint Submission 16
JS17 - Joint Submission 17
JS18 - Joint Submission 18
JS19 - Joint Submission 19
JS20 - Joint Submission 20
JS21 - Joint Submission 21
JS22 - Joint Submission 22
JS23 - Joint Submission 23
JS24 - Joint Submission 24
JS25 - Joint Submission 25
JS27 - Joint Submission 27
JS28 - Joint Submission 28
Oceania Human Rights
Omega Research Foundation
RSF-RWB - Reporters Without Borders International
Society for Threatened Peoples
The Good Group
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization

UN Agencies submissions

UNCT Brazil - United Nations Country Team Brazil
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Other submissions

CJT - Centro de Estudos Sobre Justiça de Transição
GCNB - Global Compact Network Brazil
IEPAS - Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas em AIDS de Santos

Review in the Working Group

Report of the Working group (draft)


Questions written in advance

Questions written in advance

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)




Report of the HRC session


Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)

Action Canada for Population and Development
Amnesty International
Article 19 - International Centre Against Censorship
Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXII
Centre for Reproductive Rights
Conselho Indigenista Missionário Cimi
Rainforest Foundation International


State's Mid-term report

State's Mid Term Report

Miscellaneous documents

Letter from OHCHR on Implementation in 3rd Cycle
Matrice of Recommendations
NGO Submission Matrix Brazil - to complete

Civil Society Materials


Civil society and other mid-term reports

Justicia Global mid-term report (March 2015)

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information


Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Corrigendum Summary


Civil society and other submissions

NGO submissions

AI - Amnesty International
AJD - Associação Juízes para la Democraci
ANCED - Asociación Nacional Centros Defensa Derecho
Article 19
CCR - Comissãode Cidadaniae Reprodução
CDC - Compagnie des Filles de la Charité de Saint Vincent de Paul
CEJIL - Center for Justice and International Law
CFOAB - Conseil Fédéral de l’Ordre des Avocats du Brésil
COLCGS - Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd
CONAQ - Coalition of Advisory Organizations to the National Coordination of Articulation of Black Rural Quilombola Communities
FI - Franciscans International
FLD - Front Line Defenders
FMSI - Marist International Solidarity Foundation
GAJOP - Gabinete de Assessoria Juridicaas Organizaçoes Populares
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICJ - International Commission of Jurists
IDHR - Institut for Development and Human Rights
JG - Justica Global
JS01 - Joint submission
JS02 - Joint submission
JS03 - Joint submission
JS04 - Joint submission
JS05 - Joint submission
JS06 - Joint submission
JS07 - Joint submission
JS09 - Joint submission
JS10 - Joint submission
JS11 - Joint submission
JS12 - Joint submission
JS13 - Joint submission
JS14 - Joint submission
JS15 - Joint submission
JS16 - Joint submission
JS17 - Joint submission
JS18 - Joint submission
JS19 - Joint submission
JS20 - Joint submission
JS22 - Joint submission
JS23 - Joint submission
JS24 - Joint submission
JS25 - Joint submission
JS26 - Joint submission
NCWCOPC - National Coaliton of World Cup and Olympics Popular Committees
PDB - Plataforma Dhesca Brasil

UN Agencies submissions

UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Annex 1
UNICEF - United Nations Children’s Fund

Annex UN Agencies submissions

UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Annex 1

Review in the Working Group

Report of the Working group (draft)


Questions written in advance

Advance written questions

Questions written in advance additional

Advance written questions

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)




Report of the HRC session

A/HRC/21/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-first session

Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)

Amnesty International
Association for the Prevention of Torture
Foodfirst Information and Action Network
Human Rights Watch
International Commission of Jurists
International Lesbian and Gay Association
Joint statement: International Voluntarism Organisation for Women, Education, Development
Nord-Sud XXI
World Vision International

Official OHCHR documents

National report

National report


Compilation of UN information

Compilation of UN information


Summary of other stakeholders information

Summary of other stakeholders information


Civil society and other submissions

NGO submissions

AI -Amnesty International
AI -Amnesty International - Annex
Associação Braileira de Gays, Lésbicas, Bissexuais, Travestis e Transexuais
Centre on Housing Rights and Eviction
CLADEM - Comite de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer
CLADEM - Comite de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer - Annex
Conectas Human Rights
Conselho Indigena de Raraima
Fédération Internationale de l’Action des Chrétiens pour l’Abolition de la Torture
Front Line
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
Human Rights Watch
Institut de l’Etat de droit et citoyenneté
Instituto Antígona
National Association of the Centers for Defense of Child Rights
Red Brasileña Por la Integración de los Pueblos
Rede Feminista de Saude
Reporters Without Borders
Society for the Defense of Human Rights
Society for Threatened Peoples

Annex NGO submissions

AI -Amnesty International - Annex
CLADEM - Comite de America Latina y el Caribe para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer - Annex

UN Agencies submissions

UN Habitat
UN Headquarters Department of Political Affairs
UNHCR - Annex 1
UNICEF - The United Nations Children’s Fund

Annex UN Agencies submissions

UNHCR - Annex 1

Other submissions

Fundamental Rights Study Nucleus

Review in the Working Group

Report of the Working group (draft)


Questions written in advance

Advance Written Questions

Adoption in the Plenary session

Report of the Working group (final)




Corrigendum Addendum


Report of the HRC session

A/HRC/8/52: Report of the Human Rights Council on its eight session

Oral statement by the State under Review (adoption)

Statement by Brazil

Oral statement by other stakeholders (adoption)

Amnesty International
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions (COHRE)


Miscellaneous documents

Conectas Direitos Humanos: Corrections on the Brazilian Report of the WG on the UPR