Calendario para la participación en el EPU en el ciclo actual
Fase del Exameni
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)Fase de Seguimientoi
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reportsConsultas Nacionales y Fase de Redaccióni
1 year before the next Working Group Fase de Abogacíai
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months). Grupo de Trabajo del EPU
Adopción del Informe de Resultados
Plazo de entrega del informe de las partes interesadas
Plazo de entrega del informe Nacional
Pre Sesiones
Grupo de Trabajo del EPU
Materiales de la Sociedad Civil
Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión
Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión
Afghanistan Democracy and Development Organization (ADDO) presentation Pre-sessions 46 Afghanistan
Afghanistan Democracy and Development Organization (ADDO) statement Pre-sessions 46 Afghanistan
Law Society of England and Wales presentation Pre-sessions 46 Afghanistan
Law Society of England and Wales statement Pre-sessions 46 Afghanistan
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
INDH informes
AIHRC UPR submission - AIHRC
ONG informes
ADF International - ADF International
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victim of Violence
The CPJ - Committee to Protect Journalists
Agencias de la ONU informes
UNAMA HRS - UNAMA Human Rights Service
UNCT AFG - UNCT Afghanistan
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Anexo Agencias ONU
OSRSG-CAAC - Office of the SRSG for children in armed conflict
Otros informes
UNHCR Global Youth Advisor Council (GYAC) - Pre-session 32 - Presentation
UNHCR Global Youth Advisor Council (GYAC) - Pre-session 32 - Statement
United Sikhs - Pre-session 32 - Presentation
United Sikhs - Pre-session 32 - Statement
WILPF Afghanistan - Pre-session 32 - Statement
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Informe nacional
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
INDH informes
AIHRC - Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission
ONG informes
AI - Amnesty International
CSW - Christian Solidarity Worldwide
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
Joint Submission 01
Joint Submission 02
Joint Submission 03
Joint Submission 04
Jubilee Campaign
RSF-RWB - Reporters Without Borders International
Anexo ONG sumisión
Agencias de la ONU informes
OSRSG-CAAC - Office of the SRSG for children in armed conflict
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Otros informes
Anexo Otros sumisión
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Adopción en sesión plenaria
Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)
Informe de la sesión del CDH
A/HRC/26/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-sixth session
Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)
Statement by Afghanistan
Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)
Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
Independent Human RIghts Commission
Joint statement: Action Canada for Population and Development and IPPF
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Informe nacional
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
ONG informes
AI - Amnesty International
ECLJ - European Centre for Law and Justice
FL - Front Line
GIEACPC - Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children
HRW - Human Rights Watch
ICTJ - International Center for Transitional Justice
International PEN
IRPP - Institute on Religion and Public Policy
Rights & Democracy - The International Center for Human Rights & Democratic Development
SRI - Sexual Rights Initiative (Joint submission)
WVI - World Vision International
Agencias de la ONU informes
FAO - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
UNEP - United Nations Environmental Programme
UNHCR - The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF - The United Nations Children’s Fund
Anexo Agencias ONU
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Adopción en sesión plenaria
Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)
Informe de la sesión del CDH
A/HRC/12/50: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twelfth session
Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)
Statement by Afghanistan
Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)
Al-Hakim Foundation
Amnesty International
Charitable Institute For Protecting Social Victims
Human Rights Watch
Institute for Women Studies and Research
Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)
Joint statement: ILGA - Eueope; Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network
Joint statement: International Institute of Peace (IIP), Commission To Study The Organisation Of Peace - Women under the Taliban
Joint statement: International Pen; International Publishers Association (IPA)
Organisation For Defending Victims Of Violence
The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission
Declaración escrita de los otros interlocutores pertinentes (adopción)
Amnesty International
Mid-term Implementation Assessment
UPR Info's Mid-term Implementation Assessment