Calendario para la participación en el EPU en el ciclo actual
Fase del Exameni
From the date of the Working Group session until the Adoption outcome report (approximately 4- 6 months)Fase de Seguimientoi
Approximately 3 years starting from the Adoption of the outcome reportsConsultas Nacionales y Fase de Redaccióni
1 year before the next Working Group Fase de Abogacíai
From the submission of Other Stakeholders reports until Working group session (approximately 7 months). Grupo de Trabajo del EPU
Adopción del Informe de Resultados
Plazo de entrega del informe de las partes interesadas
Plazo de entrega del informe Nacional
Pre Sesiones
Grupo de Trabajo del EPU
Materiales de la Sociedad Civil
Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión
Intervenciones en la Pre-sesión
IPPF Norway Presentation Pre-session 47
IPPF Norway Statement Pre-session 47
Legal Counselling for Women Statement Pre-session 47
MiRA-Resource Centre for immigrant and refugee women Statement Pre-session 47
Norwegian Helsinki Committee Presentation Pre-session 47
Norwegian Helsinki Committee Statement Pre-session 47
Norwegian Women's Lobby Presentation Pre-session 47
Norwegian Women's Lobby Statement Pre-session 47
Saami Council Presentation Pre-session 47
Saami Council Statement Pre-session 47
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Informe nacional
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
Norwegian Helsinki Committee - Presession 33 - Presentation
Norwegian Helsinki Committee - Presession 33 - Statement
Press- Save the Children Youth Norway - Presession 33 - Statement
Saami Council - Presession 33 - Statement
Saami Parliament - Presession 33 - Presentation
Saami Parliament - Presession 33 - Statement
INDH informes
NIM - Norwegian National Human Rights Institution
ONG informes
ADF International
CPTI - Conscience and Peace Tax International (CPTI)
ECPAT Norway
ICAN - International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
LMPT - La Manif Pour Tous
ODVV - Organization for Defending Victim of Violence
Agencias de la ONU informes
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Adopción en sesión plenaria
Documents diversos
33rd Session Letter- Norway
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
INDH informes
NI - National Human Rights Institution with Ombuds institutions
Ombud - Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud
Ombud - Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud - Annex
Anexo INDH sumisión
Ombud - Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud
Ombud - Equality and Anti-Discrimination Ombud - Annex
ONG informes
FIOH - Future in our hands Norway
JS1 - Joint Submission 1
JS2 - Joint Submission 2
LNU - The Norwegian Children and Youth Council
LNU - The Norwegian Children and Youth Council - Annex
NGOFHR - Norwegian NGO-Forum for Human Rights
NKF - Ruijan Kveeniliitto/Norwegian Kven Association
OIEC - Office International de l'Enseignement Catholique
SC - Saami Council
SCN - Save the Children Norway (Redd Barna)
SEIF - Selvhjelp for innvandrere og flyktninger
STP - Society for Threatened Peoples
WSO - We Shall Overcome
Anexo ONG sumisión
LNU - The Norwegian Children and Youth Council - Annex
Agencias de la ONU informes
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Otros informes
CoE - Council of Europe
OSCE-ODIHR - Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights/Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Adopción en sesión plenaria
Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)
Informe de la sesión del CDH
A/HRC/27/2: Report of the Human Rights Council on its twenty-seventh session
Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)
Statement by Norway
Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)
Council of Europe
ILGA Europe
International Humanist and Ethical Union
Save the Children
Documentos Oficiales OACNUDH
Recopilación de la informaciones de las NU
Resumen de información de los otros interlocutores pertinentes
Sociedad civil y otros informes
INDH informes
NCHR - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights
NCHR - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights - Annex 1
Anexo INDH sumisión
NCHR - Norwegian Centre for Human Rights - Annex 1
ONG informes
AI - Amnesty International
FFB - Norwegian Forum on the Rights of the Child
FFB - Norwegian Forum on the Rights of the Child - Annex 1
INLO - Organizacion Nacaional de Extranjeros de Noruega
MPAT – Grimstad
NNFFHR - Norwegian NGO Forum for Human Rights
NOC - Norwegian Ombudsman for Children
Anexo ONG sumisión
FFB - Norwegian Forum on the Rights of the Child - Annex 1
Agencias de la ONU informes
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees - Annex 1
Otros informes
CoE – Council of Europe
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 1
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 2
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 3
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 4
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 5
Anexo Otros sumisión
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 1
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 2
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 3
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 4
CoE – Council of Europe - Annex 5
Examen del Grupo de trabajo
Adopción en sesión plenaria
Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)
Corrigendum Informe del Grupo de trabajo (definitivo)
Informe de la sesión del CDH
A/HRC/13/56: Report of the Human Rights Council on its thirteenth session
Declaración oral del Estado examinado (adopción)
Statement by Norway
Declaración oral autres partidos interesados (adopción)
Amnesty International
Charitable Institute For Protecting Social Victims
Institute for Women Studies and Research
International Save the Children Alliance
Joint statement: Organization for Defending Victims of Violence
Norwegian Centre for Human Rights